
Victorian Youth Strategy – RSV Discussion Paper

Regional Sport Victoria welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Victorian Government’s new state-wide youth strategy – Victorian Youth Strategy – RSV Discussion Paper

Our insights have been informed by the work of the nine regional sports assemblies and the experiences of Regional Sport Victoria’s Youth Advisory Council members.

Research, Case Studies and Reports

One of RSVs key roles is to conduct industry focused research to help us build a better understanding of issues affecting the sport and recreation sector across regional & rural Victoria. The results of this research are used by RSV to develop strategies for change, and to help inform policy development and decision making at all levels for community sport.

In addition, as part of our role in disseminating information to the sector, RSV develops and seeks out other related research that is relevant to the sector.

Included in the Research and Reports section are:

  • Case studies by partner RSAs on work conducted across regional & rural Victoria
  • RSV’s annual reports
  • Copies of other industry related reports and research of interest

Please see following documents of interest:

Government Submissions

As part of RSVs role in representing the interests of the regional Victorian sport and recreation sector, RSV regularly completes submissions to Government on legal and legislative issues that have an impact on the sector.

Please see following documents of interest: