RSV joins the Sports Environment Alliance
Regional Sport Victoria is pleased to announce we have joined the Sports Environment Alliance (SEA).
SEA is a for purpose, membership organisation focused on celebrating environmental leadership and advocacy of the sporting community. SEA is committed to do more {for the world} with less {footprint} so we can continue to have places to play.
Cassandra Hadson, General Manager, Regional Sport Victoria, said RSV is excited to join SEA and to start doing more {for the world} with less {footprint}.
“Regional Sport Victoria looks forward to playing a leadership role in highlighting that the health of the planet and the future of sport in regional and rural Victoria is inextricably linked.”
“Sport is part of the fabric of regional communities, and Victoria’s regional and rural sporting clubs are starting to feel the effects of climate change.
“We look forward to supporting regional and rural Victorian sporting clubs to protect the places where we play for future generations,” she said.
In welcoming RSV to the #SEAFamily, SEA CEO Dr Sheila Nguyen explained that SEA is looking forward to amplifying the important work RSV already does, and to help the organisation lead the {sport & planet} way in regional and rural Victoria.
“Health and wellbeing are inextricably linked with being active, being in nature, and staying connected. To ensure regional communities can continue enjoying the places and spaces where we play and to celebrate their community through sport, it is important that we inspire our #SEAFamily to learn, share, and act for a more sustainable and regenerative Australasia.
“We look forward to supporting RSV on their sustainability journey and celebrating all the great things they do to protect our places of play for generations to come,” Dr Nguyen said.
To learn more about SEA visit: