New Regional Sport Victoria General Manager appointed.

RSV is delighted to announce the appointment of Meghan Mayman as GM, effective from Tuesday 15 March 7, 2022

RSV Acting Chair Dan Poynton said Meghan was chosen after an extensive and extremely competitive selection process.

“Meghan is an outstanding choice, bringing a wealth of experience from both a stakeholder engagement and sport development background,” he said.

Ms Mayman is currently Head of Clubs & Community Engagement with Football Victoria and has previously been the General Manager at VicSport and a sessional academic with Deakin University. Meghan has also held Director and Committee roles with Baseball Victoria as President, City of Melbourne Families & Children’s advisory committee & the ACHPER Victoria Stakeholder portfolio committee.

“This appointment marks an exciting next step for RSV and the Board is looking forward to working with Meghan to ensure RSV continues to deliver on its remit of building capacity of the regional Victorian sport sector, and advocating for and influencing policy to support a vibrant sector” Mr McClintock said.

Commenting on the appointment, Ms Mayman said she was excited to be taking on the role.

“We’ve all been through a challenging two years, the opportunity to contribute to the ability for regional Victorians to reconnect through local community sport is a strong motivation,” she said.

“I look forward to working with members to ensure RSV continues to deliver high quality services and programs to regional Victorian communities.

“The opportunities that the possible 2026 Commonwealth Games can contribute to a lasting legacy for community sport and recreation is incredibly exciting. I look forward to working collaboratively with the RSAs, Sport and Recreation Victoria, VicHealth, VicSport and LGAs to create benefits to regional Victoria.”

Ms Mayman takes over the position from Cassie Hadson, who led RSV from 2020 to 2022 as RSV’s inaugural General Manager.  As a result of Cassie’s work RSV is in great shape and collectively the Board and Ms Mayman are looking forward to expanding the reach and influence of RSV.

Prepared by: Dan Poynton, Acting Chair – RSV
[email protected]   M: 0402 350 920